Visa for Employment within the Framework of a Recognition Partnership

An Anerkennungspartnerschaft (recognition partnership) with employer assistance allows you to conduct the recognition procedure in Germany after entry while simultaneously being employed.

  • Employment and Recognition Process: It enables you to enter Germany and work in your profession while simultaneously undergoing the recognition process.
  • Residence Permit: The residence permit is granted under Section 16 d (3) of the German Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz – AufenthG).

Requirements for Obtaining an Anerkennungspartnerschaft Visa

  1. Hold a Foreign Professional Qualification or Higher Education Degree:
    • The qualification must be recognized by the state in the country where it was obtained.
    • The qualification must require at least two years of full-time education.
    • Positive professional qualification assessment or a digital diploma evaluation for higher education degrees (these can be requested from the ZAB).
  2. Have a Concrete Job Offer in Germany:
    • The job offer must correspond to your professional qualification or higher education degree.
    • The job offer must require approval from the Federal Employment Agency (BA).
    • Auxiliary activities are not sufficient. Exception: In the case of employment in regulated professions, you may perform an auxiliary activity until you receive your professional practice permit.
  3. Establish an Anerkennungspartnerschaft (Recognition Partnership) with Your Employer:
    • The partnership must stipulate that you will be granted a recognition procedure for your foreign professional qualification within the framework of the employment relationship.
    • The Anerkennungspartnerschaft must be part of the employment contract.
  4. Demonstrate German Language Proficiency:
    • You must prove your German language skills at least at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Additional Requirement for Employers

The employer in Germany must also be suitable for the Anerkennungspartnerschaft. This will be given by the competent immigration authority.

Duration of the Recognition Procedure

The recognition procedure is initially valid for up to 12 months but can be extended up to a maximum of 3 years. You may also work up to 20 hours per week in addition to your employment in a secondary occupation for which you have an Anerkennungspartnerschaft.

Benefits of a Successful Recognition Procedure

After a successful recognition procedure, your qualification is fully equivalent to a German qualification. You can then apply for the EU Blue Card at the competent immigration authority if you have a suitable job offer. The prerequisite is that you remain employed with your current employer or have a new job offer that corresponds to your qualifications. If you are unable to find a new job offer, you are allowed to stay in Germany for up to 12 months to find a suitable position. In this case, you must apply for a residence permit for job seekers at the competent immigration authority (§ 20 Abs. 3 Nr. 4 AufenthG).

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