To begin with, it is important that you understand the meaning and purpose of the residence permit under Section 28 of the Residence Act. The key focus is family reunification with German family members.
Section 28 Paragraph 1 of the Residence Act regulates family reunification with German citizens. This provision enables you as a spouse, unmarried minor children, and parents of minor Germans to obtain a residence permit.
Your residence permit for family reunification with Germans is issued in deviation from the normal requirements for a residence permit according to Section 5 Paragraph 1 Number 1 of the Residence Act. This means that proof that your livelihood is secure is not a requirement.
If you are the parent with custody of an unmarried minor German child, you also do not have to provide proof that you can secure their livelihood if the family already lives in the Federal Republic of Germany.
If you are the spouse of a German, some requirements from the spouse reunification according to Section 28 Paragraph 1 of the Residence Act apply under Section 30 of the Residence Act. These requirements include that both spouses are at least 18 years old (Paragraph 1 Sentence 1), that you can communicate with your German spouse in a simple way (A1 level) in German and that the marital partnership exists.
Advantages of the Application
The application of Section 28 of the Residence Act offers you several advantages, including a faster settlement permit, the requirements for which can be found in Section 28 Paragraph 2 of the Residence Act, and the possibility of applying for German citizenship after just three years.
With the residence permit § 28 AufenthG you not only get a settlement permit quickly, but you can also apply for German citizenship after just 3 years! Christine Schneider, Expert in Immigration Law
In order to apply for a settlement permit according to Section 28 of the Residence Act, you must meet certain requirements. These are based on the requirements for the settlement permit according to Section 9 Paragraph 2 Sentences 2 to 5 of the Residence Act. These are crucial in order to successfully complete the process and build a secure future in Germany.
One of the most important requirements is to be able to secure your livelihood. This means that you must be able to provide for yourself and your family without state aid. This is a standard requirement for issuing a visa. This means that you as a foreigner must secure your livelihood and the rest of the family does not have to do this in addition.
Here are some points to consider:
In order to obtain a settlement permit, you must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the German language. This language knowledge is necessary in order to successfully integrate into Germany and participate in social life.
The requirements include:
To apply for a settlement permit according to Section 28 (2) of the Residence Act, or to extend your residence permit according to Section 28 (1) No. 1, 3 of the Residence Act, you must be able to secure your own livelihood. German family members are not taken into account in this regard. Christine Schneider, Expert in Immigration Law
With the residence permit according to Section 28 AufenthG, you have the opportunity to apply for German citizenship after three years according to Section 9 StAG. In the following section, you will learn more about the requirements and advantages of naturalization as well as changes due to the introduction of the new Naturalization Act.
To apply for German citizenship after three years, you must meet the following requirements as set out in Section 10 StAG:
Advantages of German Citizenship
Naturalization offers you numerous benefits, including:
Changes Due to the New Naturalization Act
The new naturalization law has been in force since June 27, 2024, and it brings with it some important changes:
Do you have a residence permit under Section 28 of the Residence Act and don’t know whether you can be naturalized? Take our free test! We’ll get in touch with you and show you how to get German citizenship as quickly as possible!
To apply for a residence permit under Section 28 of the Residence Act, you must follow a few important steps. This guide will help you understand the process and complete it successfully.
Before you submit your application, you should make sure that you have all the necessary documents ready.
Here is a list of the documents required to obtain a residence permit according to Section 28 of the Residence Act:
The application for a residence permit according to Section 28 of the Residence Act follows a set procedure. Here are the steps in detail:
During the application process, you will have to complete several administrative procedures. Here are some important points to keep in mind:
To avoid difficulties in the administrative procedure, you should prepare the documents carefully and plan the appointments well. Christine Schneider, Expert in Immigration Law
If you already have a residence permit under Section 28 of the Residence Act, you may need to extend it. In this section, you will learn more about the process and requirements for extending your residence permit.
The extension of your residence permit follows a similar procedure to the initial application. Here are the steps in detail:
When extending your residence permit, you will also need to submit certain documents. Here is a list of the required documents:
Attention: If you apply for a settlement permit according to Section 28 Paragraph 2 of the Residence Act, you must also submit proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language at B1 level and proof of at least 60 months of compulsory or voluntary contributions to the statutory pension insurance. Christine Schneider, Expert in Immigration Law
The application for a residence permit under Section 28 of the Residence Act can present some difficulties. Here are some common problems and solutions:
Problem: Insufficient knowledge of German to meet the language requirements.
Solution: Attend recognized language courses or integration courses to improve your language skills and obtain the necessary language certificates.
Problem: Difficulty providing proof of sufficient income or securing a livelihood.
Solution: Find a permanent job or stable self-employment and collect all necessary documents such as pay slips or proof of income.
Problem: Delays in the processing of the application or difficulties in making appointments with the immigration office.
Solution: Plan the application process well in advance and make appointments with the immigration office in good time. Prepare the documents carefully and ensure that they are complete and up to date.
Applying for a residence permit under Section 28 of the Residence Act offers you many advantages and can be a big step toward a secure future in Germany. By carefully preparing the necessary documents and following the application procedure, you can successfully obtain your residence permit and benefit from the opportunities it offers.
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